Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 3

Okay day 3 didn't start out as great as I wanted it to, I woke up again at noon, the time change is really starting to get to me at this point, a six hour time change is really rough. But let face it when 1/4 of your day is behind you it is difficult. Anyway I go to start my smart car it won't start, so I call Alan and he told me to hang out at the B&B since he and the guys are at a horse show (THOUGHTS:When was I going to be told about the show???), but that he would be there in the hour and will help me with the car, so I wait and write some of the previous blogs, then suddenly I fin Alan and Dennis in my living room, granted I had the door opened for them, so that I could see them coming down the drive way, but anyway Alan didn't know how to work the smart car but Dennis did, so he told what I had to do, to work the smart car properly (DENNIS"S THOUGHTS: Stupid American) (MY THOUGHTS: Why in the world do do Europeans have to make starting a car so difficult?!?!?). So I go over to the barn where Alan has disappeared again (sigh). But I hadn't eaten all day and there is a McDonald's down the road I just don't know where it is at, I know it is close to the barn but it is an exit up from where we were. So what do I do, I ask Dennis, so as Dennis is trying to explain how to get to McDonald's to me, with out knowing it I must have had that "you are not making any sense", and so a few quick comments to end this quickly becoming a socially awkward conversation. So finally I find Alan again and ask him for directions, and he writes them down for me (THOUGHTS: YAY!!! :-) ) So I find my way to the McDonald's, I am ready to crawl in the front door of the McDonald's and worship the international fast food chain, talk about being happy to see something I do no really like to eat back home but will eat if it is my last option. Kelly, I know you hate Mickey D's with a passion, but you have to understand I was dying of hunger, and Dutch food can be a bit strange. But of course Pookie gets lost on her way, so after wondering around for a little bit I finally find my way back to Alan's but of course I called him to ask how to get back, driving in a foreign country is well.....lets just its different especially when you can not read to the signs LOL!!!
But I fonally got back to the farm, and rode the the two horses that Alan wanted me to ride, Corrada and Indoctro again, so I was happy again trying to focus on using their bodies to work and not just perching on the horse. Both of my rides go well and the horses are good.
So after the horses are put away, Alan approaches me and ask if I need to go to the grocery store (THOUGHTS: In fact I could use some food), so I told him yes. What does Alan say "Oh well the boys are going so you can just follow them, okay?". So the boys then tell they will be down from their apartment in 15 min (THOUGHTS: Okay, I can put all my stuff that need to go into the car in the car), so I wait and I wait, finally I go knock on the door, and I hear Brandon scream come on up. So I make my way up the stairs, fearing for my life since I have hard horror stories about the way they keep the apartment from Nanja and Steff, and now that I think about Alan too, because he contemplated me living with them!!!! But back to the story, I get up their excepting the worse and it was actually very clean , then I remember they had a maid come that week to really clean the apartment since Andrew was coming to live with them when he come (THOUGHTS: THANK GOD!!!), so I find the boys in the living room, having a snack and drinking coffee, "boys I thought we were meeting down in the kitchen 10 mins ago (questioning look from the boys),I'm sorry, the canteen??", "Oh well we decided to have a snack while we watch Grey's Anatomy, pull up a chair", so after they are done with their snacks and Grey's Anatomy, they have to change their clothes, apparently according to Steff, people n Europe are not in a hurry to go anywhere.
So finally we are on our way to the food store, and what seemed like a long drive we arrived. So as we are walking in the Dennis and Brandon are telling me that if I need help with anything just to ask, so I am going okay great! Well what a bunch of help they turned out to be they breezed through the store like it was no one's business, and then they ask are you done yet? I am in the second isle of the store, NO I'M NOT DONE YET!!!!!! Okay they ask me this question in a total of three minutes we had been in the store. So then I have Dennis help me with picking out cheese, which became a much bigger ordeal than it needed to be.....sigh. So we go to the check out line and there is no one there to bag the food for you, and even worse they don't have bags, they have boxes. So the cashier lady starts to talk in dutch which I don't speak, and so I have to look at he boys and go translate please :-D (pretend that is my big cheesy smile that I ask them with).
So we get otu of the store and Brandon needs to go to the bank and Dennis is going some place else, and I don;t know how to get back on my own so I just follow them around the town of Putten. So as I walk with Dennis because I do not want to be stuck in a bank with Brandon (F.Y.I. Its not Brandon, I don't want to be around, its being stuck in a bank, just incase some one thought I was being mean), so we walk to a sports store and he says I am getting a football, so he walk up to the wall with the soccer balls, Dennis must have seen the look on my face because by the time that he started the to say "sorry, to you this is a soccer ball but to everyone else in the world it is football", I had remembered that little fact LOL!!!! So finally we head back to the cars where they are heading back to the farm and me the B&B.
Okay this is where the real fun of my day comes in, Dennis takes off out of the parking lot through the very small streets of Putten, and I get behind an old lady on a bike and there are a bunch of cars coming the other way where I can not pass her to catch up with Dennis and Brandon (F.Y.I. the road everywhere in the Netherlands are really narrow, it not like in the states, where the person in the other lane can move over some and you can squeeze by the person on the bike, even out narrow roads at home are considerably wider than their wide roads!!!) So after I get around the old lady on the bike, I realize that Dennis is in the round about already, and guess what color all the car where in the round about...sliver, just like the car the boys are in (THOUGHTS: great just my luck), so I didn't see Dennis turn right out the RB and some how I kept going straight, so I am offical lost with in two minutes and even worse the smartie is running out of fuel, luck is finally on my side there is a gulf station hat takes visa (THOUGHTS: OH THANK YOU GOD!!!!!) So I park the smartie on the little hill above the station to find out what side to put the fuel in, and the car for reasons beyond my ability to think does not have a P for park, inside you actually use a parking brake, which is normally what would be our emergency brake. So I feel the car start to go forward so I pull the brake up even farther to so that it won't roll down and into the road. I find that you have to put fuel on the passenger side of the car, then I get back in the car and go to release the break and it won't release, I try and I try and I try for about 7 min (THOUGHTS: don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, whatEVER YOU DO DON'T PANIC!!!!) so finally I ended up calling my parents to ask them if they had any advice for getting it to release and sure enough my dad did, even if I panicked just a little. When I hang up the phone with my parents Alna gives me a call asking where in the world I am, the answer I want to give him, Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore, but I told him the landing markings around me and he said that the boys where going to find me. I go to ask him what type of fuel the car takes but he doesn't know, so I look at the gas cap and sure enough it has my answer for me (YAY!!!!!), so after filling up the car, I wiat ont eh boys to find me and they do and they are smiling and laughing at me, all I can do is smile and laugh back, hey if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?
But fnally i make it back to the B&B, to hope and pray that Alan doesn't think I am trouble and that tomorrow will be a better day. Thanks for reading!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO. You poor thing. Tell you what, when you get back from the continent, I will PERSONALLY take you to McDonald's.
    Also, maybe you should invest in a cheap bicycle with a little basket on it?! This Smart Car thing isn't working too well for you. Haha.
