Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 1

Finally I arrived at Alan's BEAUTIFUL farm, after passing one of the most interesting drives in my life, Netherlands buildings in Amsterdam were so unique and amazing, it was so refreshing from all of our tall buildings in the states. But I get there and greeted by Alan. Then Alan sat me down to have a talk about what I wanted to do while in Putten with him, I thought that answer was obvious, but we talked about what wanted to gain from the trip was the real conversation. Afterward he took me to look at apartments, which wasn't what either of us thought. Mentioning to Alan that i was hungry we stopped to get sandwiches......well it's not what I thought lets just say that, the sandwich shop was in a gas station and you know what else they DIDN'T serve turkey!!!!! I found out that, that is not uncommon, thought = the dutch are just strange, so I got a ham and cheese with no butter. After the quick tour of Putten, Alan and I return to the farm, where I started to ride the little foreign ponies, Sambo and Corrado Marc (tough they are not really ponies).
Sambo (whom I have mentionin previous blog ~night befroe) was great, though Alan said he hadn't been feeling a 100% but that he was okay to ride. He was so much fun. Although I must say I was incredibly nervous with Alan standing there watching me flat (YIKES!!!!). But after learning the lay of the land from one of Alan's three barn hands, Dennis. A very tall, lanky young man, that stands heads above me!!!!! Everyone in Netherlands are mostly like this.....very tall. Then I meet Thomas, who I think they said was actually from Poland.
But back to the poines, I then rode Corrado Marc, a sweet little bay mare, and again Alan watched me, it was a little bit more nerve racking than the last time since there was some one else there looking at horses. But he finally pulled me of the rail and told me I rode like an american (in my mind I am thinking "Alan, there is a reason for that, I am American, and so are you by the way" LOL). He then further explained that american rider focus on distances, and the apperance of the rider much more than focusing on using the horse body to exercise itself. So after trying to understand how I can get the horse to use its body.
So after putting Corrado, and being ask to help Dennis and Thomas, then suddenly pulled away by Alan to come watch this guy ride some horses he brought over to show Alan. Alan then pointed out the differences between american riding and european riding. It was very obvious the difference between ours and theirs.
The guy that we were watching competed in the European Nations Cup, and he rode amazing,my jaw was quit possibly hitting the ground, the way the horse used itself was absolutely mind blowing, while the ride was not perched on top of the horse like we in America do, it was almost like he used he body to direct the horses what to do, i wish I had a video tape so that I could show you guys. Not only was watching him amazing but what the horse was just as amazing as the rider on top of the horse. The way the horse used its body was truly miraculous, every jump he jump he was way above the jump every time efforlessly!!!! It kind of hard to explain over the blog, which is why I wish I had a video!!!!
But after all the barn work was done, Alan order a bunch of pizza, and we even had dinner with the guy that was showing horses, also ther for dinnerwas Dennis, Alan's Nanya, his two adorable littel girls Charlie 4, Izzy 2, their nanny Steff who is from Australia, the mam's wife and their two children.
After dinner I was taken to Alan's house where I helped Steff with the girl and their evening bath, while Nanya got the room I was staying ready!!! So finally I was able to take my own shower and crawled into bed, I was so tired, I didn't even care that there was no TV for me to sleep with (for those that don't know I like to sleep with the TV on). But that is my first day at Alan's, get back to you soon with day 2!!!!

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