Thursday, May 27, 2010

Airport and plane ride

Sorry, I have lost track of days but here we go.....
So on the ride to the airport, I took a nap since I went to bed at 2 in the morning...... bad idea. So after dropping off my suitcases and picking up my tickets, we went to exchange my dollars for euros, which took for ever since we couldn't hear the lady from behind the bullet proof glass!!!! After finally exchanging my dollars for euros, I said far well to my parents for the summer, not knowing how in the world I was going to survive 11 weeks (77 days without them)!!!! but after clearing TSA Lines and riding the train to the E concourse, deciding I was hungry after not having lunch, I saw the food court. Seeing that McDonald's, the international fast food restaurant lines was incredibly long, I went to Arby's whose line had two people in it. After ordering and walking down to my gate and taking a seat a man sat down next to me, as I notice he was dressed as a priest, I asked him if he was one, an in fact he was he was a Catholic Priest from Zimbabwe. And no we did not talk about religion, but the fact that he loves America hamburgers and fries LOL. So finally my plane broads and I am sitting in seat 36J out of 45 rows :-/. But luckily I was the only one in my two person row out of a full plane, how in the world does that happen, oh well. At seven they served us dinner (which by the way was not the best, if you couldn't guest), that consisted of chicken and potatoes, a salad, a bread roll and a brownie as I watch Sherlock Holmes on my tv thing in front of me. So I eventually went to sleep for 3 hours and it was dark outside,only to wake up to find that it was really bright outside. Finally landing in Amsterdam, Netherlands leaving the gate and heading down to the baggage claim area all the while looking for my car driver because I was told he would be outside my gate, so heading to baggage claim I came to a line that you had to show your passport, the man at the window ask me where I was going, and I said Putten and he said "what?", again I said "Putten". and all the sudden he and his buddy start to laugh, okay now I am starting to really feel out of place apparently it is pronounced Putt-en and not Pu-tten. Okay so after finding my bags and talking with my mom and Alan because I can not find my driver, who was suppose to be outside the gate, I find out that, that its not the gate i think it is, it is the customs gate that he is at. So finally going through customs after they asking me what was in my box, my saddle was in my box. So they let me go and I come through the customs gate to find a man with a sign that says Lindsey XXXXX. Martin then helps me with my bags and helps me into the car and off Putten we go!!!

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