Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 2

Okay on to Day 2 of 77 days in Putten Netherland, well after waking up at noon, realizing it felt like it was six o'clock our time, which it was. That I had to get up even if I wasn't ready to leave my nice warm bed, but forced my self to get despite the fact that I wanted so badly to go back to sleep. After getting up and out of the house, I made way to the barn where I meet the third barn hand Brandon, who told me that Sambo couldn't be ridden his leg was too swollen o they are giveing him so time off, that I was to ride Corrado and Indoctro, one of two Indoctros at Alan's farm. And at this point, i realize that Alan is no where to be found, later finding out that he is out of town for the day. But so I started my list of to horses to ride for the day, Corrada, and Indoctro. So getting in Corrada, I try to focus on what Alan told me having the horse use its hole body, she was a very good girl but still didn't think I got her to use her hole body. So next I rode Indoctro, who is this cute little bay horse, that reminds me a lot of Molly B's Danger, that was her junior jumper. He was so much fun, I really enjoyed riding him!!!
So after riding went back to the horse where all my stuff was, and found Steff, Nanja, and the girls were all at the house. Where Nanja invited me to dinner with her and the girls. We went and pick dinner up and brought it back, where the boys Dennis and Brandon also joined us for dinner. Okay maybe you guys will get a kick out of this, we picked food up from a restaurant that had American Style food, as they were asking me if it tasted anything like the food from home, I just had to nod my head. I didn't have the heart to tell them its nothing like our food, it was hamburger and fires, believe it was nothing close to an American Hamburger.
So after dinner it was time for me to pack my bags and go to the bed and breakfast right down the road but Nanja handed me a pair of keys and said here you have the smart car (THOUGHTS: I am going to be there a smart car, OMG where is my dad to make fun of me and the car both). So driving to the B&B is like half a mile from the barn. So we meet the people tat own the place and the wife does not speak english at all and the husband only a little, so Nanja had to be my translator (THOUGHTS: LOVE NANJA FOR AMAZING ABILITY TO BE MY TRANSLATOR). So after everyone leaves I settle in for the night and go to bed. Hope everyone enjoyed reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. When they asked you if it tasted like real American food, you should have replied "needs more grease". Lol.
    Indoctro sounds fun! I won't tell Remy - he might get jealous. ;)
