Monday, June 14, 2010

New blogging system

okay things here in Putten have gotten busy here lately, the girls from CA are leaving in the next couple of days :-( I will miss them so much, they were a blast to have around. But i think I will have to start doing weekly blogs instead of daily because it has been so busy but if anything special happens I will post it. I will have something soon!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 8 and 9

Day 8 was uneventful and full of riding, nothing really special took place beside the riding of course.
Day 9 on the other was full of excitement and adventure!!! We went to a training show, someplace in the Netherlands, but this farm was owner by Dennis's family, it was a riding school. And it was absolutely beautiful, it had two indoor arenas, and a nice size outdoor arena, and we meet Dennis's mom, whom was incredibly nice to us (us being the american girls that probably looked like we didn't have a clue!!!). But I was the first of the four of us to ride, so after getting on Sambo, Alan and Andrew went for a gallop in the woods, and Brandon was going to give me a lesson on the flat (THOUGHTS: oh here boy, this is going to be fun), but it the lesson turned out to be great Brandon really help me understand a lot about how they ride and what to do wth my hands and legs, which Alan wasn't able to do, not he is not cable, but didn't explain to me they ride the way they do and when i was told it made sense. So I finally made it out to the arena to start jumping where Alan and Wendy are finishing up with their horses, Andrew has gone back to get another horse (Andrew today is not feeling well :-( and he won't feel better for several more days), but this is the first time i have gotten to watch Alan live in person and not on youtube, he was amazing, I don't understand why he doesn't ride more often but I could really see the use of his hands and legs getting the horse in between them, so another helpful.
So finally it is my turn to start jumping and Sambo was such a good boy, Alan said I was starting to get a hang of the riding style (or he was just being nice), but I had a blast even though I think i only jumped like .60 meter jumps, but hey we all have to start somewhere LOL!!!!

Okay this has nothing to do with riding but it was a fun part of my day, after we get back to the farm, and Nikki, Karli and Andy were going to meet me back at the farm at 7 and we invited the guys to come along too, if they wanted too. So at 7, the girls pull up ready to go since we have all gone back and taken showers and what not. And i go and put my purse in the car and they ask if the guys are coming and I tell hold on and I will go see if they are ready or going at all. So I make my way to the door to the upstairs apartment that they live at in the barn, and yell hello, then I find myself saying hello back and forward with Dennis 20 times, so i just climb the stairs to ask them if they were coming to dinner, and they said that they were coming. So finally I get them done stairs and I notice that they are heading out the door with me and not to their car that is at the back of the barn. So they must have noticed the same thing too, because they were asking if we were all going in the same car so now we are discussing ow we are all going to get to the restaurant, so instead of me riding with the girls like planned.
So Brandon hopes in the car with the girls and Dennis an I take the smart car. So the car ride over with Dennis consistent of short conversations, what was to be a short ride dragged out a little bit, but we arrived at the restaurant, where Brandon and the girls got out of the car laughing, thanks to Brandon's entertainment!
After a terrific dinner and fun conversations, I suddenly realized two hours have gone by and we need to start heading back to our respected living quarters. But on the way back Dennis acted more weird than when we went over there, i swear if he pressed any harder against the passenger door it would have flown open, so i was sitting there wondering why he is pressed against the side of the car like I have some awful disease (THOUGHTS: do I stink, I swear I put perfume on after my shower this evening???). So I guess the answer to that question will remain unanswered. But the day was also Steff's birthday so i go in to tell her Happy Birthday and we end up talking about all sort of stuff for 2 1/2 hours about the boys, the horses, difference in cultures and much much more and final i go to bed at midnight. And hope that things don't continue to be awkward.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 7

Okay, I am over my allergies, and my emotional shock form yesterday. So I have to go back to the barn with my head high, knowing I my no be as good as Andrew but I am certainly not a quitter by any means of the word, well unless it comes to cleaning my room or putting my cloths away but that is another story for another day LOL!!!!! And I know that the girls from CA are coming today, so that only adds to my level of anxiety (THOUGHTS: AAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH........I never gonna get a break here, first Andrew and know these girls from California). So I have a lesson and Sambo and it is like a miracle form God, not lying here, I get to jump Sambo!!!!! It was so much fun, I had a blast, I can't say that they the prettiest jump I have ever jumped nor the most graceful but still FANTASTIC FOR ME!!!!
The girls from California get there and they are very nice. Nikki 21, Karli 19, Andy 15, are all from a girl named Jenny's farm in CA. But the rest of the day past with out major incident and runs smoothly.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 6

Okay Day 6, was not the best of any of my day in any shape form of fashion, again I get up late because I have slept past my alarm, which meant I got out to the farm late. As I pull up to the farm I see Alan pulling in and there is someone in the passenger seat, and they look to be about Dennis's height, which I automatically assume it is. Well it wasn't it was Andrew, the other rider coming from California, who I didn't think was coming until July 1. So okay new guy, new twist to how everything is going to be run around the farm. So as Alan is showing Andrew around, I start to get Sambo ready, and I over hear Alan telling Andrew that there are really no rules, except that he likes people to wear hard hats. So my lesson on Sambo was okay, I was in major amount of pain because of the way that Alan was having me ride. Andrew is on young six year old that was one of three hours that went clean in a competition for qualification for 6 years old. So and Alan starts to set up a little combination in the indoor arena, and already I am not getting my hopes up that he is setting that up for me, and he isn't Andrew start to jump the six year old around. So for the first time I also get to go out side since Alan wants Andrew to jump outside, I just get to tag along and watch.
After Sambo is put away, and I start to get Indoctro because that is who Alan said to ride next, but they pick the horses feet before it exits the stall and Indoctro kick some up in my face and I start to have some sort of allegoric (spelling?) reaction o the straw, their hay has already made me sneeze and have a runny nose, so now my eyes are running and my skin is breaking out in a rash (THOUGHTS: great......). So I wash my face and hope that it goes away. So with the luck that I have it doesn't, great so I take Indoctro out to the outdoor arena and suddenly find myself being screamed from across the field by Alan, how I can't come out to the outdoor with out his permission.
So this has not really helped my day at all, he is telling Andrew there are no rules and telling me I have to have permission to go outside, so now I am not feeling well physical, but mentally too, and I didn't even realize it until I get into the arena that I have tears running down my face whether it was from emotional shock or allergies I don't know anymore.
But I get done with Indoctro put him away and leave for the afternoon because of the allergies and I am upset with some stuff at the farm but I am able to rationalize it thought my head. But that doesn't mean that I am not allowed to feel what I feel. I realize that I have been here almost and week and I haven't gotten to jump yet because we were going to work on my flat work but Alan just let me flat on my own for three days instead giving exercises on how to ease the transition of riding, and Andrew is here on is first day and has jumped like three or four horses. And I get it I really do, Andrew is an amazing rider and it was amazing to watch him ride, so I was starting to feel insecure in my own riding. And then I suddenly realize I don't have anyone to go vent these feelings of frustration and insecurity to, that I was alone to deal with it by myself, no one to give me a hug :-(. So I just went back to the B&B and rest for the rest of the day.